A simple, powerful lighting control appcation, SiteWorx Tune uses sensor-based intelligence and advanced software to maximize energy savings, improve productivity, and maintain safe, comfortable light levels

SiteWorx Tune badge icon set against manufacturing facility image.    Maximize Energy Savings

 Lighting is a critical contributor to the productivity, A simple, powerful lighting control application, SiteWorx Tune uses sensor-based intelligence and advanced software to maximize energy savings, improve productivity, and maintain safe, comfortable light levels. can also be challenging to control, customize,
and maintwhich can make lighting-related energy costs difficult to monitor, measure, and manage.

SiteWorx™ Tune applies multiple lighting control strategies — occupancy sensing, task tuning, daylight harvesting, progressive dimming, and automatic setback —to achieve up to 90% energy savings and maintain safe, comfortable light levels across the facility.

 Customize & Automate

 From single-room facilities to multi-facility sites, SiteWorx Tune provides grouping functionality that allows for customized control, management, and automation that ensures responsive, fit-to-task light levels across your entire enterprise.


  Measure, Validate, & Analyze

 Every Digital Lumens Intelligent LED fixture and Digital Light Agent (DLA) Sensor is equipped with a power meter, enabling the collection of lighting-related energy usage data to validate savings for utility rebates or internal stakeholders. The SiteWorx Tune dashboard displays real-time energy usage and savings data, and enables custom reports for easy benchmarking of lighting-related energy use across zones, facilities, sites, and enterprises.


  Access from Any Device

 Designed for web, tablet, and mobile devices, SiteWorx Tune is easily accessible whether you’re in the office, walking the floor, or on the road.


Mời quý khách lựa chọn sản phẩm theo mong muốn

   Intelligent LED Fixtures                                                                                                                                                                            

 intelligent LED lighting fixture                                                             

     Close up of Wireless Input/Output device and smart sensor


  Close up image of the Digital Light Agent or DLA smart sensor

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